Exhibition Content in the past
In SC2012, we showcased the following activities based on poster presentation.
(1) About US: Cybermedia Center, Osaka University
(2) PetaFlow Project: A project towards an ultraparallel synergy Internet system for scientific application
(3) Architecture of OpenFlow-based failure-avoidance for SAGE
(4) A Proposal of SDN-based virtual network routing for virtual cluster deployment considering network throughput
(5) Self-orgnizatin transmission scheduling mechanisms for wireless sensor networks
(6) A Bandwidth control method with fairness of high-speed network protocol flows in long-distance broadband networks
Also, we showed a demonstration entitiled “Detection and avoidance of network failure by Software Defined Network” through the collaboration with NICT and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The demonstration is scheduled and performed at NICT research booth (#4018). The related poster presentation is (3) in the above list.
The following presentations by our team members were performed on our joint-research booth.
(1) “PetaFlow project: A project towards an ultraparallel synergy Internet system for scientific applications” by Dr. Kenichi Baba on INRIA Booth (#1209), Nov. 13, 4:00pm – 4:30pm.
(2) “TDW streaming on SDN” by Dr. Susumu Date on NICT Booth (#4018), Nov. 14, 3:00pm-.
Thank you for many of you visiting our booth.
sc12-report (Japanese only)(PDF: 787KB)
poster material(PDF:14.9MB)
poster material(on NICT booth)(PDF:4.5MB)