Exhibition content in the past
In SC2013, we showcased the following activities based on poster presentation.
(1) About US: Cybermedia Center, Osaka University
(2) Tiled Display Wall with Network Failure Avoidance Mechanism using Software Defined Networking
(3) Optical Path Scheduling Methods Considering Host Bandwidth in Data Center Networks
(4) Towards SDN-enhanced Message Passing Interface
(5) Visualization Service at Cybermedia Center
(6) Architecture of Job Management System Framework Leveraging Software Defined Networking
The following presentation by our team members was performed as follows.
* “Progress report and visualization service at OsakaU”, by Shinji Shimojo, at SAGE BOF (12:15pm-01:15pm Nov. 19).
The following demonstration and presentation by our team members was conducted as follows.
* “Network Failure Avoidance TDW using SDN and Buffering”, by Yoshiyuki Kido, at NICT Research booth (01:00pm-01:20pm Nov. 20).
Thank you for many of you visiting our booth.
SC13 Report (Japanese Only)(PDF:702 KB)
poster (PDF:10.1MB)